Saturday, 6 September 2008

Ideas for Interpretation and Gates

Some more ideas possible Access Controls, Gates, Posts and Interpretation Panels.

Below - these gate type structures are based on the sides of a ship with oars dipping into the ground. They can be used as a chicane for slowing traffic (cycles) as the Path approaches the road.

Below the posts are used to carry a disc showing route name. The penant allows for the adding of route information.

Above - Story fish are added to the gate from the children's poetry.
Below - a close up of the post showing the Path logo and penant with mileage engraved onto it. Next to it you can see a sketch showing a version in stone with a penant shape carved into for continuity.

Above - you can see stone versions of the curved steel posts with disc attached showing logo of Path and carved penant shape into the stone showing distances.
Below - detail of post with penant and disc attached.

Below - round interpetation panel supported betwen slate posts. The Panel could be carved wood with zinc etched discs attached.