Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Pupil Stories

Abandoned Platform
With Oban 34 miles away you find an abandoned platform,
first thing you do is,
listen closely and you hear the wind,
whistling through the trees.

You start to wander round and notice that there are plants that have been uprooted and roots scattered about.

The presence of the people from the past lingers, yet you can still hear the cars driving up and down.

The further you go, the closer the trees get but then …they start to part and end up standing all alone with only the small things to keep them company.

QC Age 12

In the Bunker
In the bunker the water so deep
But be careful the witch will leap
As the trees weep
The tadpoles don’t make a peep
Before you know you’ll be down deep.

JM Age 10

Listen to the Wind
Listen to the wind
Blowing through the trees
Look at the insects
Crawling on the leaves
Watch the birds flying fast,
Hear the train going past
Use you imagination!

EM Age 10

Night of the Living Leaves
One day a vampire was walking along the abandoned platform and bit an oak tree.
From that day on every Saturday afternoon the leaves of that oak tree fall off and come to life then they suck your blood but after 5:00p.m. they cannot see the sun set.
So be careful you could be next.
I know of lots of people who went there at that time.

Down in the wood where the old station lies
where the wind and the rain makes the dead leaves fly.

AB Age 10

Rustling Through The Trees
Listen to the wind,
rustling through the trees
Look at the old station, covered with leaves
Can you see the witches house
Through the windows of the train
Or hear the sound of rain drops
Falling on the pane.

AH Age 12

The Scottish Express
Can you imagine the Scottish express coming up to the platform getting ready to rest.
The ground starts to rumble, the trees whistle away.
In the middle of the day the train decides to stay.

The Busy Platform at Night
It’s the middle of the night the sky is dark, but the platform is bright.
All the animals gather round to show things that they have found.
The badgers, hedgehogs and birds show there.

BM Age 11

The Bunker
Up from the platform past the birch trees
There lies a bunker as deep as can be,
Up the uneven craggy tree that leads to the bunker
There lies a dead witch inside dark and under.
Don’t get too close or you might not realise,
You were not meant to be there.

AM Age 12

The Railway Station
The Hustle and Bustle
The moving of people
The puffing of trains
The sunshine and rain
Why did it go away
So sudden so quickly
Now all that lies there is a rectory
Nature takes its hold many stories are untold.
BH Age 10